It's a boy! We are so excited. Jeff somehow just knew it was going to be a boy the whole time. My mom recently bought us a bunch of little boy outfits. Seeing those in the spare bedroom closet makes everything even more real. I feel like little Brody is all I think about nowadays, even though it seems to be so far away that we will actually have a real baby in our home!
This is me at 21 weeks (as of Friday). |
This is Jeff at 30 new movies (as of Black Friday). |
Even though I didn't take ANY pictures except the one above, we had an awesome Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Quincy came and stayed with us for ten days and it couldn't have been a more perfect and relaxed holiday. I've missed her and my family so much. I can't wait until we join her in Provo next year when Jeff attends BYU. (He applied this last week, so we are crossing our fingers that he gets accepted again.)
I'm just trying to get through these next two weeks of finals. Jeff is busy at work and getting prepared to start back up at school in January. We both can't wait to get some time away for Christmas on Dec. 21st! Brody kicks a lot. However, I am the only one who can feel it so far. Jeff can't wait to be able to join in this excitement. Here is the proof that Brody is indeed a little Brody.
Our doctor has a sense of humor. |
The ultrasound went great. It was one of my favorite days of pregnancy so far. We even got a little video of him moving around and stretching his legs. All the tests went great and he is in the normal percentile in everything. I can't wait to meet him in April!
I promise you that the last few months will go by quickly (well other than the last few weeks). Im so excited for you, pregnancy is very suiting on you, you look great :)