Going back to the end of 2011.. Jeff and I hopped in the car, drove to Boise, ID, and flew from there to Washington for a week and a half during the Christmas season! It was such a fun trip. We love being able to spend time with family. Plus, this was the first time any of my family got to see my little baby bump! One of the main events, for me at least, was the great baby shower that my family threw for me with the help of some close family friends. The Peterson's house was filled with so many people that I've missed so much. I truely felt loved that day for sure.
My lovely sisters helping me organize the many gifts Brody and I received. |
My beautiful Mom and me <3 |
Quincy made this cake!! |
My friends from High School that I hadn't seen in forever. |
Some time after returning home, Jeff and I got maternity pictures taken. These pictures really made me excited for the fact that we were pregnant and soon would meet our little boy in just a few short months. Here are a few of them:
To my surprise, two of my friends from Rexburg decided to throw me another baby shower!! Quincy was even able to make it up for it as well! (Quincy visited multiple times during last semester. She is going to live with us next year in Provo and I am way excited.)
I traveled up to Provo in February to house hunt with Quincy. This was a LOT harder than it sounded. At the end of the day, we were frustrated, sun burnt, hot, pregnant (oh, that was just me) and tired. I had a test the following day so I had to travel all the way back to Rexburg that night. Quincy was worried about me getting there safely in my condition.. so she came home with me. I was so happy and even more relieved.
In the midst of our exhaustion that long day. |
We did find a place to live. We finalized it weeks later after playing tug-of-war with the management of a three bedroom duplex that we are now in love with. In the end though, we have a place come the end of August and we can't wait to move down there and start some new adventures!!
I got more pregnant...
33 weeks |
& more pregnant...
35 weeks |
& even more pregnant.
This picture was actually taken right before Jeff and I went bowling with some friends.. which happened to be the night before I went into labor. (39 weeks and 5 days) |
For Chloe and my mom's spring break, they decided to come to Rexburg. I knew my mom was coming, but boy was I surprised when Chloe hopped out of the trunk!! Quincy also traveled down for a few days as well. We were all crossing our fingers that Brody would join the bunch that week, but he had other plans.
Oh, just Chloe and me pulling some April Fool's Day Pranks |
The new stroller Brody's nana bought for him. |
I endured the rest of my semester. With 17 credits, working two jobs, girls looking me up and down in the hallways, back and rib aches, exhaustion, and impatience, I consider this a big accomplishment. Jeff put up with a cranky pregnant girl well while he juggled work and school along with the miscellaneous tasks that I ordered him to complete since they HAD to be done before the baby came. Such as- washing the blinds, cleaning the doors, rearranging the furniture, vaccumming every single part of the carpet, and under every item in the house, scrubbing the tub, and hanging up the odds and ends in the nursery. He was a team player, that's for sure.
But Brody came, and life is good.
The Kent girls know how to party! I loved out spring break visit too! We definitely need to close this distance. I love that all you girls are such good friends as adults. It warms my heart.