How when I'm holding Bonnie upright in my arms, she hugs me tightly and buries her face in my shoulder when she gets happy or excited at something.
When Brody acts possessive over his toys, but then agrees to share one with Bonnie, even one of his favorites sometimes. He holds it close to her hand and waits as she eventually grabs it from him slowly.
The way I can easily make Bonnie have a big smile when I say, "Bop, Bop, Bop."
As we get ready to go somewhere, Brody is known to race to his room real quick, open up his sock drawer, and insist on wearing socks on his hands to wherever we are off to.
How Brody says, "Hat-ie" for hat. And how he loves to wear some type of a hat most places (just like Dada), even if it is his bike helmet.
How Bonnie likes being bounced to sleep each night in my arms. I commonly am seen bouncing my brains out at the edge of couch while watching TV in the evenings with Jeff.
The way Brody puts one hand in his high chair tray and says, "Upee" to let is know that he wants a snack.
The only time Brody will snuggle (aside from being sick) is when he is playing a game on my phone. He will sit on my lap and lay back against my body. This is a time I give him many kisses.
He curls and crosses his toes when he plays phone games too. His toes melt my heart.
When Bonnie is all wrapped up in her swaddler, many times her tiny fingers stick out of the bottom of the arm wrap part. They tickle my stomach when I'm feeding her or cuddling her.
When Bonnie reaches her arms out to touch my face. Her hands are the softest and when she touches me with her small, gentle fingers, it gives me the sweetest feeling.
Brody gives Bonnie kisses. This doesn't happen all of the time, but when it does, he bends down, puckers his little lips, and gives her a quick kiss on the top of her head. It's adorable and makes me really happy.