Being a mom is extremely lonely at times... As in most of the time. And being a mom of young young children is even more lonely. Here I spend every single day doing the same thing- over and over. I wake up, prepare food, clean up food, pick up toys, read books, play with blocks, watch children television shows, kiss booboos, nurse a baby, rock a baby, sit with a baby... And on and on the list goes. While these are not bad things to spend my day doing, I do find it gets to feel very tedious sometimes to wake up and do it all over again, and again, and again. With the exception of a play date once in awhile, most days blend into the next- and so this is life.
Facebook is my outlook into other worlds. It's my way to vicariously watch other children grow, other than my own. It's my relief when I'm having a hard day and I can see that I'm not alone. It's my evidence that I'm really not alone. It's my distraction to get my mind off my mundane life in my small apartment. It's my tool to communicate with people nearer my age who don't make me feel like I'm talking to myself. It's my hobby of coming up with statuses that make light of some of the crappy things involved in parenting, or the crappy things in life. It's my motivation to take more pictures to share with all my loved ones far away. It's my escape to other places that I won't be able to experience for years to come. It's my entertainment on boring days when we are stick inside because of rain, sickness, or tiredness.
I could go on. But I think you get the picture.
Am I on Facebook too much? Probably, but I don't care. I will never be one to try to take a break from social media, because to be frank, I like it way too much. I would be torturing myself.
I still set my phone down during the day. I still play with my kids. I still witness small sweet things they do during the day. I still cook meals (sometimes). I still shower. I still make sure my house is (reasonable) clean.... So yeah, I'm good. Nothing neglected, that I can tell.
Facebook makes me a better mom, and I believe a better person.
It saves me from depression. That may be sad to you that I can talk about Facebook saving me from something, but it's true. And I'm okay with that.
Heres to Facebook!
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