Sunday, October 28, 2012

belly laughs

Today during church, tears were brought to my eyes.
Not the ones that are brought on by the spirit, like you may think.
But ones brought on by a belly giggling baby.

Brody is forcing us to say goodbye to the baby who used to sleep for two out of the three hours of church,
and hello to the anxious, bored easily, but still loveable baby he has recently become.
I am in denial.
This transition has been this way for awhile, but up until today, I have made Jeff lug around Brody's carseat,
even though we both know better- there is no chance he is going to agree to fall asleep in there.
Today he was a grown up baby- one without his carseat.
Brody has gotten so heavy that it is almost more inconvenient to muscle him around in there, than to just hold him without it and hope for the best.

In the third hour, the hardest hour, Brody became a little celebrity.
During the Relief Society lesson, which by the way was a spirit filled lesson, at it's best,
he became the crocky (my made up word) baby that we always dread in public situations.
This means he stiffens his body, sometimes doesn't breath, turns his face all scrunchy, and whines.
While little Brody isn't a very loud baby, this usually comes unexpectedly.
Today it came when I was trying to find my name on the attendance roll.
The kind lady next to me, saw me struggling- clipboard in one hand, stiff baby in the other-
and rescued me by grabbing the little crocky and filling his attention with something else.
Brody quickly utilized his newly found grabbing skills, and reached for a folded up paper in the lady's purse.
The lady took the paper out of her purse and fanned sweet, curious Brody.
I don't know if it was the paper-made breeze, the fast movement through the air, or the very needed nap,
but the little folded paper was HILARIOUS.
The next twenty minutes were filled with:
fan baby,
loud burst of laughter,
fan baby,
loud burst of laughter.
I don't think I have ever seen something so funny.
Everyone around us and throughout the room couldn't help but laugh in response to the cute belly giggles coming from my little baby.
While the noise was embarrassing, and probably not appreciated by the teacher,
I knew that I should have taken him outside.
He was not being at all quiet, and probably took more than the acceptable amount away from the lesson, but I couldn't leave that moment.
Brody brings so much joy to my life,
it is so fun to see him bring a little bit of joy to other people's life as well.

With my diaper bag filled with toys, ready to grab at any moment,
who would have thought that a folded piece of paper was going to be the thing to do the trick.


  1. Aww, precious Brody is just growing up so fast! Get some of those belly laughs on video, please please please!

  2. I will Rachel. I need to before I forget how funny and cute it is!
