Friday, April 12, 2013

One Year Already.

Dear Brody, little bee, Little Guyee Guy, Brodekins, Brodicon...

You are so loved. I can't believe you have been my little son for a year already. You have taught me so many wonderful things. The best thing that you have taught me is how to love. Oh, how I love you so much. You are a part of me and that is so special. I'm so happy that I get to have you as a part of my life for always.

You put a smile on everyone's face. Whether we are shopping at the grocery store, playing at the park, sitting in sacrament, taking a stroller ride on sunny days, or walking dad to work, you turn heads, boy, by just being your cute, innocent self. You make me such a proud momma.

Loving you is so easy. I remember babysitting and wondering how moms spent all day caring for their kids. How could they possibly pass the time each day? Oh, I was so naive. Having a child is like nothing else. I live by your schedule and it is so great. Even when you are terribly crabby, or when you are kicking your tiny legs as fast as you can when you don't get your way, or when you stop, mid crawl, to lay your head against the floor to whine out your sorrows, or when you push the garbage down and get chocolate from an ice cream carton all over you face, or when you stick your entire arm in the toilet water, or when you grab a handful of my hair as hard as you can... These things are a part of my days now, and I don't hate it.

There are the cute things you do each day that never fails to put a smile on your dad's, Auntie Q's, and my face. Things like when you crawl into our bedroom and shut the door (you LOVE playing with doors) and then yell for us to come get you, however we can't get inside because you have sat our cute butt directly in front of the door. Or when you hear music and your body is over taken by the sound. You slap your hands on whatever is closest and shake that little booty. This creates the urge for me to kiss you all over your cute face, and I do. I love those soft cheeks. I love our daily bath and night routine. After each bath we lather you all up with your lavender nighttime lotion. And when I say we, I mean me AND you. You love rubbing it all over your tummy, (we call this "all the rubs of america"... I'm not sure quite why) and then you suck it off your hands, of coarse. Cause everyone knows lotion is a great bedtime snack. I rock you, and your sweet smelling self to sleep each night. I've stopped nursing you officially a week ago. It was so natural, for both of us. It was just time. We still cuddle though, just with your baba. You LOVE whole milk. Every time you see the bottle go into the microwave you start breathing as fast as you can and sometimes even start to cry if it is taking too long. Like I said, it was such an easy transition.

Other things you do that I don't want to forget is how you rub food in your hair. I'd prefer you not to do this, but it is somewhat cute how you look at me whenever you are doing this like you know I'm about to give you a big reaction of "Brodyyyyy!" I want to remember how you sneak up to auntie relaxing on the couch and take a big bite on her toe, with or without socks. I'd also prefer you not to do this, but we all can't resist cracking up once we hear your little laugh since you think this is so hilarious. I want to remember how your sock drawer is one of your favorite forms of entertainment. You take all of the socks out of your drawer, practice your tossing around the room, and then you put them away, all by yourself. It's so funny, and such a relief on days I am tired and you want to play. I just take you to your sock drawer, and you will always have the best time. You also think it is hilarious to place things, like socks, on your head. You'll balance them there until one of us says, "What's on your head?" and then you grab the item off and show us with an excited grin. You love your pack play (where you are currently sleeping until the end of the month). You will sit in there for sometimes up to an hour after you wake up and just play and talk to your animals. You have a monkey named Kevin, he's your favorite. I know when you are tired when you rub your fist in your eyes, or when you "arch-a-bod", which mean when you arch your entire body making it stiff and impossible to maneuver. I know when you are sad when Dada leaves for work when you whine to have him hold you when you see him in his uniform and when you reach, on your tippy-toes, to the doorknob, after he shuts the front door. I know when you are being mischeivious when I hear you crawl, as fast as you can, down the hall and hear the bathroom door click shut. I know when you want something by the way you point with your tiniest pointer finger.

I am so excited for what this next year and more have in store for you, and for our little family. I love you so much Brody and am so glad that our Heavenly Father sent you down to me. You have been the greastest addition to my life and I wouldn't change a thing. Happy Birthday, Baby. I love you, little bee.

Love, Momma

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