Thursday, January 30, 2014

Maybe if towels didn't exist, marriage might be a little bit easier.

As I walk into the bathroom the familiar hand towel is strewn across the counter. How in the world is a towel, meant to be used to dry your hands, supposed to get dry in time for the next use if it's left in a jumbled mess and not hung up?

At least it's better than having a huge bath towel taken out of the drawer (instead of the hand towel) to be used as a hand towel, and yes still left in the counter in a jumbled mess. Isn't the size a dead give away as to what the different towels are meant to be used for??

Speaking of different sizes of towels... Let's walk ourselves into the kitchen. We have two types of towels- hand towels and dish cloths. Hand towels are again, meant to be used to dry your hands. They are NOT to be used like a dish cloth. Therefore I should never see a hand towel drenched in gross whatever water and draped across the sink. Save me.

Furthermore, towels should never, and I mean never, be left with pieces of food inside of them. Thank you for doing the dishes, but seriously if I have to lift one more dish cloth that is left in the sink and find myself sprinkling mysterious food particles everywhere I'm going to scream!

One more thing to do with towels. These are ones commonly found in the bedroom. Bath towels don't belong on the floor. (Neither do dirty clothes for that matter.) I don't enjoy cleaning up toys off the floor, but I have learned to except that aspect of my everyday life. However, I definitely don't enjoy cleaning up adult sized towels off the ground that have been previously used. And hey, bath towels could be used more than once to lessen my laundry loads- wouldn't that be a concept. 

We won't name any names here. I'll let you use your imagination. 

Oh, towels.

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