Sunday, October 28, 2012

belly laughs

Today during church, tears were brought to my eyes.
Not the ones that are brought on by the spirit, like you may think.
But ones brought on by a belly giggling baby.

Brody is forcing us to say goodbye to the baby who used to sleep for two out of the three hours of church,
and hello to the anxious, bored easily, but still loveable baby he has recently become.
I am in denial.
This transition has been this way for awhile, but up until today, I have made Jeff lug around Brody's carseat,
even though we both know better- there is no chance he is going to agree to fall asleep in there.
Today he was a grown up baby- one without his carseat.
Brody has gotten so heavy that it is almost more inconvenient to muscle him around in there, than to just hold him without it and hope for the best.

In the third hour, the hardest hour, Brody became a little celebrity.
During the Relief Society lesson, which by the way was a spirit filled lesson, at it's best,
he became the crocky (my made up word) baby that we always dread in public situations.
This means he stiffens his body, sometimes doesn't breath, turns his face all scrunchy, and whines.
While little Brody isn't a very loud baby, this usually comes unexpectedly.
Today it came when I was trying to find my name on the attendance roll.
The kind lady next to me, saw me struggling- clipboard in one hand, stiff baby in the other-
and rescued me by grabbing the little crocky and filling his attention with something else.
Brody quickly utilized his newly found grabbing skills, and reached for a folded up paper in the lady's purse.
The lady took the paper out of her purse and fanned sweet, curious Brody.
I don't know if it was the paper-made breeze, the fast movement through the air, or the very needed nap,
but the little folded paper was HILARIOUS.
The next twenty minutes were filled with:
fan baby,
loud burst of laughter,
fan baby,
loud burst of laughter.
I don't think I have ever seen something so funny.
Everyone around us and throughout the room couldn't help but laugh in response to the cute belly giggles coming from my little baby.
While the noise was embarrassing, and probably not appreciated by the teacher,
I knew that I should have taken him outside.
He was not being at all quiet, and probably took more than the acceptable amount away from the lesson, but I couldn't leave that moment.
Brody brings so much joy to my life,
it is so fun to see him bring a little bit of joy to other people's life as well.

With my diaper bag filled with toys, ready to grab at any moment,
who would have thought that a folded piece of paper was going to be the thing to do the trick.

Friday, October 26, 2012

the littlest

While watching TV in the living room,
a little whine is heard from the baby monitor.
We gasp, look at each other, and smile with excitement.
"I want to get him."
"No, it's okay, I'll get him."
"Let's just all go together."
"Okay! Haha."
The three of us make our quick decision, then venture to our awaited destination.
"The tiniest!!"
"Little Guyee Guy!"
"Little Buddy!"
He greets us with the cutest, take-your-breath away smile.

It never occurred to me until today, that this reoccurring order of events that I described above is probably not normal.
We, the three of us (Jeff, Quincy, and me), get SO excited when our little man wakes up.
No matter how long, or how hard, it was to put him to sleep, we all know how wonderful he is once he wakes up after a good sleep.
I just want to bottle up this moment, along with others like this, and keep them with me
so that on bad days I can open that bottle up and remember how something so simple
can make you so happy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

sweet little bee

As I drive the long distance back from work,
I can't wait to hear that little giggle and see that sweet smiley face.
On most days, Auntie has you down for your afternoon nap,
so I get home and wait anxiously for you to wake up.
Once the baby monitor sounds, I rush into your room,
& fall in love all over again.
My sweet little bee, how I adore you.
I can't imagine anyway you could possibly be more perfect.

As I come closer to your swing, where you sleep most of the time these days,
I watch your excitement when you see my face smiling back at you.
Your sweet giggles make my day.
With your hands over your face, like you can't handle the excitement any longer,
I pick your chubby little body up and you rest your little head on my shoulder.
Unfortunately, this doesn't last long. How I wish for longer cuddles from you.
You are always on the move.

My favorite times are right after you wake up.
You are so happy, truly happy.
Happy like the world is good, and you wouldn't know anything different,
I want to keep it that way.
For as long as possible.

Thank you little bee for loving me.
For loving me unconditionally.
For not holding it against me for leaving you every day for work.
It's almost over. A month and a half, and we'll have more of our mornings together.
The mornings are the best- I long for those sweet hours back.

You are growing so fast. Everyone warned/warns me about just that,
but I wish it weren't so true.
I look at pictures of you when you were tiny-er. Little bee, you were so tiny.
Everyday though, I believe you get even cuter.
& I know you get even chubbier.
I want to bottle up the little happy little guy you are, and never forget.
Never forget your chubby cheeks.
Never forget your excited, silent claps.
Never forget your little sneezes.
Never forget your soft, pouty lips when you are asleep.
Never forget.

This month we will celebrate your first Halloween.
I'm so excited.
I know that future years you will enjoy holidays more,
but I love the kind of enjoyment you get out of things now.
The big curious eyed enjoyment.

Someday you will probably complain that there is a camera in your face too often.
That is why I am taking advantage of now.
I'm trying my best to soak up every moment, and make every memory.
But I know memories only last so long,
but pictures, videos, and journal entries help.

My little bee, thank you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

summer recap

I can't believe how quickly time has went by lately.
After putting our things in storage,
traveling with my Dad to Wyoming,
spending about a month in Washington visiting family,
retrieving our things from Rexburg,
and moving to Utah,
we have been very busy and have just begun to finally feel settled into our new lives.

Jeff is almost through his first two months of BYU classes.
He is working at a Provo McDonalds doing night shifts.

I'm teaching 7th grade math at Churchill Junior High School. (I'm loving it.)

Brody has gained 12 pounds since he has been born and is working hard to increase this every day.
He is also becoming very vocal with both baby sounds and giggles.

We are enjoying having Quincy live with us.
It is so fun for me to have one of my family members get to watch Brody grow.

While teaching is great, it makes me look forward to and savor each weekend.
I utterly miss spending each day with my little guy. I can't wait until I can do that again.
He is growing so so fast. I can't believe it.

It's been so so busy around here I haven't had time enough to even blog.
But I'm back, and I have LOTS to blog about!